Sunday 4 May 2014


I always think I want bangs....then when I get them cut I always just pull them back.
 Why do I feel the need for bangs?!?!?

So the quest for a great headband begins once again. 
I tried the Lulu Headbanger style - too tight and too pricey. 
I tried the Goody No Slip - wrong, it did slip, all the time.
Booby pins are too pokey.
Scrunchies are way out of style.

I decided to make my own!

Lucky me to have some cotton jersey just lying around begging to be crafted into something useful. 

Headbands it is!

From this:
To this:

This is a very simple way to make a soft, custom-sized headband. I did use a sewing machine but I am an occasional sewer at best. Don't worry if you don't sew much! This is really easy!

Measure your head, just to get an idea of how big you will need to make your headband. 
I thought that 19 inches would be loose enough for comfort and snug enough to stay in place. 

I reserved 5 inches for the elastic "back" piece and then cut the "head" piece to take the remaining inches. This does not have to be perfect, you can adjust the fit later if you need to. 

Cut a length of your stretch cotton jersey. 

I did mine about 15 inches long by 5 inches wide. Then fold it in half, so it's now 7.5 inches long. Cut both layers to round the edges. Like this photo shows:

Cut a small strip or cotton. Mine is 1.5 inches wide by about 5 inches long.

Attach a piece of elastic to it using a zig-zag or stretch stitch. Pull on the elastic as you sew, you want it to ruffle up the fabric. 
See? So much tension on that little elastic that my fingertips are white!

As you sew it will curl up. See how it is now all ruffled? This gives is room to stretch and adjust to your head size. 

Now sew one end of the larger piece to one end of the ruffled elastic piece. Putting the right sides of the fabric together will ensure that your seams don't show. 
Right sides together, attaching one side...
Then repeat for the other side.
Now when you turn it over, the seam is hidden.
I decided that my rounded corners were still a bit large compared to the elastic bit. 
So I trimmed them off a bit. 
Try it on and see how it fits. 
Too big? you can adjust the seams to make it smaller, if need be. 
I ended up taking out a few extra inches. Just sew another seam one inch in and then cut off the excess bits.
Done! That's it!
Now you are ready for yoga or running or spin class....
or just ready to relax on the beach without having your bangs in your face!

 Make a few - your sister is gonna want one too!


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